How To Start Affiliate Marketing For Beginners | MainShout
Affiliate marketing for beginners can be one of the best and easiest ways to start a new career while 9 Helpful Affiliate Marketing Beginners Tips.
Introduction of Affiliate Program
Affiliate marketing for beginners can be one of the best and easiest ways to start a new career.
While at the same time learning how to make money online.
The reason for this is because it is a simple process.
Here you can earn money just by referring buyers to a merchant.
They make a purchase you get a commission.
In this article, I am going to share with you 9 Helpful Affiliate Marketing For Beginners Tips.
After reading this article you should improve your Affiliate Marketing Business.
You do not have to stock any merchandise.
you do not have to process their order or even worry about customer service.
All you have to do is pre-sell them and then send them to the merchant where they can make their purchase.
It is important to realize that the majority of people who attempt to achieve this goal, often give up or just quit before they ever achieve any significant level of success.
One of the reasons why this happens is because people often assume that if something is simple then it must also be easy.
This is what causes most people to fail because they are not willing to put in the necessary work to earn that commission check.
The good news is that if you are willing to put in the work and effort needed.
You can earn a substantial income doing affiliate marketing.
And to help increase your chances of success here are 9 helpful affiliate marketing for beginners tips.
Affiliate Marketing Beginners Tips
For the most part, that means setting specific work hours that you focus only on income-producing activities like marketing and promoting.
It is important to keep yourself and your activities organized so that you know how much you are doing what, as well as how much you are spending and how much you are making on a daily basis.
Everyone wants to make a million dollars but no one does it overnight.
Set realistic traffic and conversion goals to start with, and keep in mind that it will take time for you to learn how things work and to get really good at making things works.
So do not be too hard on yourself if you have been working hard at something and it did not make money for you or work out as well as you expected.
Look at it as a learning lesson, and now that you know what doesn’t work, you are now closer to finding something that will work.
The smartest way to become successful is to learn from someone else who has already achieved the level of success that you want to achieve.
Most people are afraid to invest in training to increase their knowledge.
This is a big mistake because one of the best ways to improve your skill level and results is to increase your knowledge and experience.
Affiliate marketing beginners often fail to understand the power of well written affiliate articles to build long term customer traffic. This is a mystery to me, given that article marketing is easy, profitable… and FREE!
Here are five simple, dead easy, practically infallible steps to write simple articles that people will enjoy reading, and that will get you traffic to your affiliate salespage.
What you will need:
- a text editor, such as Notepad. I use NoteTab because of its cool features, but Notepad is free, and will do the job just fine.
- an “ideas bucket”- article topics that you know people in your niche are interested in
- your own top level domain name (see my bonus tip)
One of the simplest ways to get ideas for affiliate articles is to go to the top forums in your niche. There you will find people asking questions… and you will find other people answering them. This is important. Finding a good question and a good answer all in one spot is the basis for an article! Repeat this process until you have a dozen or so good article topics.
It is critical that the affiliate marketing beginner understands that such a great source of free article material exists. You can quickly build your expertise, and pump out two or three quick articles whenever you want.
Sketch out two or three articles, each around a common theme. Build the “skeleton” of each article as a series of three to seven tips. We don’t want our articles to end up too long. Around 500 words total will be fine for our purposes in the end.
Flesh out your tips
Now “fill in the blanks”. Flesh out each tip in your article so it begins to flow logically and smoothly from point to point. You are trying to take the reader in the direction of solving a problem, or answering a commonly asked question.
Write a catchy intro and conclusion
Now “round out” each article with a short intro and a conclusion. Your intro introduces the topic. Try these sorts of openings: “Has this ever happened to you?…” “Did you ever wonder how…?” “Would you like to know how…?”
Your conclusion should emphasize the benefits of doing as you have suggested. Just as important, your conclusion should point the reader towards your resource box, where they will find a link to… find out even more!
With this simple system, the affiliate marketing beginner can build strong, targeted customer traffic with affiliate articles.
Only publish to the best article directories. Dave Mason at maintains an evolving list of some 1000 plus article directories in order of traffic ranking. Go for no more than the top five or six. Not that many directories pull much traffic anyway, and over-publishing will lead to problems with the search engines.
Bonus tip
Use a top-level domain only. Good article directories will not allow you to place an affiliate link in your resource box. Why? Their emphasis is on providing readers with good info, not providing affiliate resellers with a sales platform. So, buy a domain name that is relevant to your niche. Your WebHost may very well provide you with tools to easily build a redirect from your top-level domain to your affiliate link. GoDaddy is a case in point- it takes about a minute to set up a re-direct on their system. And there we have it: with this simple system, the affiliate marketing beginner can build strong, targeted customer traffic with affiliate articles.
What do I need to get started?
Before affiliate beginners ever turn on the computer, they must have dedication and determination. Therefore, you must have dedication and determination as an affiliate marketing beginner. While you can make good money with affiliate marketing, you must have these two things in order to ever succeed. It’s hard work at times, but it’s not impossible. Above that, you will obviously have to have a computer and an internet connection.
What if I don’t have much money (or any) to invest?
That’s okay to. As an affiliate marketing beginner, you will quickly find that internet marketing is one of the few fields you can start learning in for little or no money. Additionally, there are tons of free platforms out there that you can promote on. Many affiliate beginners start this way. I know, it’s how I started. However, my suggestion is this: when you start earning a little money, re-invest in your own domain names and “virtual real estate”.
How do I find products?
I hear this question from affiliate beginners all the time. My question to you is this: “What do you want to promote?” There are affiliate programs for just about everything under the sun, so the decision is up to you. I suggest starting with an area you are familiar with. Simply do a search engine query for the product you are interested in, plus the words “affiliate programs”. Example: “Stuffed Animals Affiliate Programs”.
Promoting is totally up to you. There are many ways an affiliate marketing beginner can do this, including article marketing, email marketing, and PPC, to name a few. I’m not going to go into specifics for each category because I could write novels on each. However, for an affiliate marketing beginner, I do recommend starting with article marketing, because it is free. An important tip for Affiliate Marketing Beginners: As an affiliate marketer, it is not our job to sell, but to provide information to the consumer, or answers to questions, then lead them to a solution.
That’s always been something many affiliate beginners will ask. And truthfully, I don’t know. It’s all about you and what you want to put into it. I have broken this last question into 3 categories, because they have more to do with you and your attitude as an affiliate marketing beginner.
1. Be organized As an affiliate marketing beginner, get in the habit now of organization. Keep a daily list of tasks and complete them. Keep a list of all keywords, ideas, etc., and write them down when you think of them, not later. You will forget them.
2. Innovation. This is a biggie. You have to be innovative as affiliate beginners in order to succeed. The salesman with the best pitch will make it, so to speak.
3. Stay focused There are going to be some trying times in the beginning, I know. But they do pass, if you are dedicated and determined, as discussed in the first question. I remember when I first started, I had no clue how to build a website, write an article, or do anything of that nature. It’s the same way with many affiliate beginners. But now, these things have became second nature to me because as an affiliate marketing beginner, I stayed focused.
Lastly, I think that all affiliate beginners should invest in some kind of make money online. I mean I can’t take a trip without a map, how am I going to succeed without some form of training? Good training will give me a guide to help me stay focused.
Learning and doing are the true keys to success in any worthwhile endeavor.
These are just 9 helpful affiliate marketing for beginners’ tips. Surely, help you avoid being one of the many who give up or fail and become one of the ones who succeed, becomes successful, and make money online.
Originally published at on July 26, 2019.