How To Get Google AdSense Approval on Blog or WebSite | MainShout


Google has tightened its sign up policy for AdSense. But how to get Google AdSense Approval, I will tell you. This is not rocket science. It’s easier if you do it in the right direction.

Adsense is a popular and excellent advertising program. Any website or blog publisher can use it to generate revenue. But here’s a little condition. That is, Google must approve your site before it can display ads.

AdSense is contextual advertising or ads that appear in the context of the surrounding content. This means that Google AdSense reads your content and displays ads appropriately.

As I told you before, Adsense is actually an advertising program. But why would you want to use it? Well, for the money, of course, once you get Google AdSense approval, it’s an easy way to generate revenue from your website, even if you’re not selling anything on the site.

Before you talk about how to Sign up for Google AdSense, you and I need to see if AdSense is the right choice for you.

You can make money online by signing up for a Google AdSense account. There are also many benefits to using AdSense. But this is not for everyone. It’s just that you like mangoes but your friend doesn’t like mangoes.

A good example of this is if you have an e-commerce website that has product features on every page. Many eCommerce site owners are reluctant to include ads on their pages because the ads remove site buyers before they complete a purchase.

How Much Money Can You Make With AdSense Online? There is no plausible answer to this question. Because the problem here is that numerous measurements affect your daily revenue from AdSense advertising. Which are described below.

A visitor is considered unique when they visit your website for the first time during a particular period. Depending on the metrics used (the measure used to track visitors to your site), a visitor may visit your site within 24 hours, for the first time in a week, or for the first time. Can be considered unique after. Individual Visit Measurement is used to determine the click-through rate for AdSense ads within an hour. Click-through rate (CTR) is the number of people who click on an ad and are directed to the website designated for the ad. This page is usually a larger, more colorful ad, the front page of a website, or a page that displays more information about the product or service included in the ad.

CTR (click-through-rate) is the actual number of visitors to a blog or website who clicks through to an ad on your site. This is important because when users click on your AdSense ads, you get paid.

CPC is the amount that an advertiser clicks on each of their ads. These numbers vary widely and depend on the value of the keywords associated with an ad. For you, as an AdSense publisher, CPC is the basis of how much you are paid.

You will receive AdSense approval when you sign up for a Google AdSense account. So you can get a good idea of ​​how much money you can make online with a Google Adsense account. But remember that this measurement is highly variable. You can only guess how much money you can make based on some hypothetical numbers. For example, suppose your website receives 1 thousand unique visits per day and that the average cost of the ads displayed on your site per day. 25 is every click (that’s CPC). Lastly, suppose that 2% of your 1,000 visitors click through to your website the next day. Now, you have the numbers you can work with. Instead of these hypothetical numbers, you can use the equation to estimate how much you might benefit from your AdSense ads one day: = $ 5.00

(unique visits x average CTR)average CPC = potential revenue
(1,000 x .02)$.25 = $5.00

How to open an account for Adsense Approval Now we will talk about it. What are the important things you can do to get adsense approval quickly?

One misconception I had was when I wanted to start using AdSense. Signing up and setting up a Google Adsense account will be a difficult and time-consuming process. But you know that there is no such thing. Setting up an account requires only a few minutes and minimal information. But how you set up an account is determined by whether you already have a Google Account.

There is no need to have a Google Account for Adsense Approval, but it can be useful. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have a Google Account. But you will not be able to use many other Google applications like Gmail, Google Keyword Planner without signing up for Google account.

As well as potentially AdWords (the other side of AdSense is it’s a pay-per-click advertising program in which you only pay for the ads that users click on), and Google Analytics (a website traffic measurement program). Which tells you all kinds of cool information about who comes to your website and what they do when they are there). A Google Account also makes it much easier to integrate all of these applications.

If you are going to use AdSense, you definitely want to have some kind of website analytics program. A website analytics program detects the number of visitors to your site and some of their behavior as they visit your site. You can also use other programs that can test the performance of your site. But those programs are nowhere near as easy as using Google Analytics. Google Analytics is free, and integrates with AdWords and AdSense, so it makes it easy to track your efforts in these programs. You also want a program that is easy to understand and use.

Read Also:- What are the eligibility criteria for approval of Google Adsense in Pakistan?

If you have a Google account that you want to use when you set up your AdSense account, here are the steps for setting up the account:

1. Open the AdSense website in your browser
2. Now click on the sign up button as shown below

Fill out the requested information on the form that appears

and then click the Submit Information button.

The information you’ll be requested to enter includes

You must enter the URL of your website or your blog to register your account. Google will check the site to make sure the ads are displayed properly.

To ensure that AdSense is available to visitors to your site and that any advertisements that are placed are appropriately targeted to your site’s main language.

Use this drop-down menu to select whether you are creating a personal account or a business account. (If the account is for you, it’s personal, and if you plan to use it as part of your business, it’s a business account.)

What region or country do you live in? Give all this information exactly so that you don’t have to worry about payment in the future.

This is the name that is listed on the ID card issued by your Govt and under which you want to issue your payment. If you are creating a personal account, this should be your personal name. If you’re creating a business account. Then, it’s best to use a business name, but you can also use your personal name if you wish. Payments are made electronically or by check.

Also makes AdSense payments with PayPal. But since PayPal is not active in Pakistan. So my advice is that if you use the method of payment electronically it will be more fine. But you created this information after you created your AdSense account. So now you need to know to whom and where the payment should be sent.

Use the address where you want to send your payment when signing up for a Google AdSense account. The wrong address can cause problems for you later.

As you know, my focus in this article is on how to get Google AdSense Approval. So when you sign up for an AdSense account for this purpose, make sure you subscribe to the AdSense newsletter when you enter your email. This will keep you updated with Google updates.

Use the drop-down menu you hear about AdSense to notify Google. This information can be used to help them effectively market the AdSense service.

The last part of the form is where you register your agreement or agreement with the AdSense program policies. Be sure to read these policies in full (link to them on the form). If you do not agree with the program’s policies, you will not receive Google AdSense account approval. Two of the four checkboxes on this list are the most important points in program policies.

The 3rd checkbox is your agreement (if you agree) and the 4th checkbox simply confirms that you do not already have an AdSense account. (You are only allowed to have one, so do not try to register anyone else as it will be denied.) All four of these checkboxes must be selected.

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For Google AdSense users (publishers, in its jurisdiction), the AdSense program is strict about adhering to the guidelines set out in the policy document.

If you do not comply with the program’s policies, Google reserves the right to deactivate your AdSense account. And Google more than you, “What did I do wrong?” They are very serious about guidelines because the way your site is viewed and the way you behave on them determines how people view your ads.

Google wants to be in the best interests of its users, and you help make that happen. Program policies aren’t as extensive as you might find in other policy documents, but you’ll find words like $10. Here is a quick list of what you will find in the policy:

The document begins with an explanation of Google’s legal rights. Basically, Google’s lawyers are telling you that you must be good and follow the guidelines that Google has given. If necessary — deactivate your Google AdSense account. The problem here is that after your account has been deactivated, you have just finished. You can no longer use AdSense. (Yes, you can try to cheat luck by creating a new account, but if Google finds out it’s you, they’ll just shut you down again.)

“Clicks on Google ads should be the result of the user’s genuine interest.” This is the first line of the most debated part of the program’s policies. This section of the policy sets out guidelines for the formation of a right-click. If you click on your own ads, those clicks are invalid. If your program (or purchase) a piece of software to click on your ads, those clicks are invalid. And these kinds of wrong clicks are click fraud. Click fraud involves clicking on your own or someone else’s ads with the intention of influencing AdSense revenue and AdWords costs with fraud and is sufficient to completely ban your AdSense, no. No questions asked. , And do not apply again.

The next part of the AdSense Program Policy document focuses on things you shouldn’t try to encourage people to click on your ads. I know this is a bit negative, but it is important to pay attention to these numbers because ignoring them can have serious consequences. Don’t point out the ads.

You can’t pay people to click on your ads. Remember, You may not use any misleading headlines in the ads.

Google’s requirements for site content are basic: no violent content, no adult content, nothing related to the game, and not to engage in any illegal activity. But that’s not all.

Google has also ruled out websites that deal with anything that could be considered controversial: tobacco, alcohol, prescription drugs, and weapons of any kind. Google stops before rejecting ads on political pages, although that wouldn’t be a bad idea.

Think of it this way: If it were Google, what would you not like to associate with your name? Everything you can think of will probably be included in the list of restrictions that Google has created. Read this list carefully. Google does not accept that it did not consider it a good excuse for violating the policies.

You are signing up for Google AdSense Approval. But always remember that copyright infringement is a serious crime. As you know, the Internet is more than a grain of sand on the beach. Many people mistakenly believe that because articles and other content are available on the web, they are free for anyone to use. It’s not, and Google is building on copyright protection. While that is not the case.

Google Crawler, a program that looks at your site to determine the main topics, or keywords, that are relevant to the site, can determine if your page content is genuine or not. If it appears anywhere on the web. If it’s not real and you can’t prove you have permission to use it, you may have to pay the price. So use good and original content.

Before signing up for a Google AdSense account, make sure your website or blog is simple. The Google Webmaster Guidelines tell you everything you need to know about designing a business website. The document is complex, but it can be summed up in one word: simplicity.

Keep your website simple, user-friendly, and relevant to your site visitors, and you should have no problem with Google when it comes to site design.

Read them here:

Need some more guidelines on how your blog should be designed? Isn’t that necessary? OK. You can’t use popups or basic windows in your site design. (Pop-ups are annoying little windows that don’t appear anywhere when you click on a link to a website or when you click off-site.

Nor can you try to get your visitors to click on ads in text, behind graphics, or at the bottom of a web page, disguised or hidden. Ads must appear as advertisements and not as sponsors of any kind.

AdSense program policy requirements are well designed and adhered to.

These guidelines request the following from you and your site.

  • That you have relevant and original content on your site
  • That your site is clear in your intent and the nature of your business (if
    that’s relevant)
  • That it’s clear how your visitors’ information will be used
  • That user can find their way around your site, or navigate the site,

If you are strictly designing a site to collect ad clicks, you may get a large number of visitors for a while, but that number will drop like a penny from the Empire State Building like Only users will know who you have. Or worse, Google will detect it first and remove you from AdSense and maybe even search engine rankings.

In case there was any doubt, Google set up guidelines for how and where ad units can be placed on your site. The policy document lists the particulars, but it’s safe to say that Google wants ads tastefully displayed and in context.

Google also doesn’t want visitors overwhelmed by the number of ads on a page, so, you’ll also find guidelines for how many ad blocks of each type you can have on any given Web page.

For example, it’s okay to include ads on your site from Amazon or other retail services. And you can even include other pay-per-click ads, as long as they don’t mimic AdSense ads. Ads that look like they belong to Adsense but do not are a real no-no — that could really stir Google’s pot!

Google stops just this side of saying you can’t use other advertising services, but only because denying your freedom to use any program without thought of how it could be misconstrued as a Google capability is creating a monopoly. And monopolies draw the attention of Big Brother. He’s a sibling no one wants to spend time with.

Congratulations, you have applied for Google AdSense. You will receive AdSense approval in two to three weeks. Don’t worry, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t get an Approval if you’ve done everything right.

Originally published at on July 27, 2020.



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