Freelancer Scope in Pakistan- Facts of freelancing market in Pakistan
Lack of jobs for young people in Pakistan is no secret. So, the ratio of Freelancer in Pakistan increasing day after day. Many people are using the Internet to find alternative ways of employment.
Ayman Sarosh is one of those people who make thousands of dollars a month from home via the internet. They are ‘free from the confinement of time and space’ and determine their own work voluntarily.
He quit his job 10 years ago and started making money online. But how is that possible?
Eman is a freelancer, meaning she can work for her client living in any corner of the world while living in Pakistan and does not have to go to any office. They get paid hourly and in US dollars.
Freelancing in the language of technology refers to receiving money for work for an individual or company in any country on the Internet.
There are many ways people in Pakistan can make money through the internet. One approach is e-commerce in this regard, while the other is content — writing content, creating photos or videos that can gain popularity.
Similarly, freelancing is the third source which is gaining momentum among the youth of Pakistan. According to Ayman: ‘If there are good internet and laptops, you can do freelancing from anywhere.’
Amna Kamal is affiliated with DG Skills, a government organization set up by the Free Lancers of Pakistan. There she trains people of all ages in this regard.
She explains: ‘In one era, the way things worked was different. After the first study, people looked for jobs.
“It’s changing now and people don’t have to be physically in an office, but they can work virtually (ie in the absence of a computer).”
How big is the freelancing market in Pakistan?
In a 2018 report, citing data from the World Bank and freelancing websites, it was claimed that there were more than 60,000 freelancers in Pakistan. However, this is a careful estimate.
Then in a 2019 report, Pakistan’s freelancing market was reviewed. According to the results of The Global Gig Economy Index, freelancing revenue in Pakistan was seen to increase by 42% over 2018.
Thanks to the significant growth in the industry, Pakistan came in fourth among the 10 largest countries in the world. The United States was at the top of the list, while India was seventh and Bangladesh was eighth.
The ratio of Freelancer in Pakistan.
According to the report, the increase in freelancers in Pakistan is due to a large number of youths.
70% of the population in Pakistan is under 30 years of age. The promotion of technical education has helped the youth of Pakistan to participate in the Gig Economy. ‘
According to Mohsin Muzaffar, an online payment service pioneer, Internet access in Pakistan and with the help of Four G, Pakistani freelancers can now get jobs from all over the world.
Showing December 2018 data, the largest number of freelancers belong to these countries
According to a World Bank’s December 2018 report, Pakistan, along with the United States, India, Bangladesh, and the Philippines, are among the countries where there is a large number of people working through freelancing.
What can be done in freelancing?
By the way, in freelancing, you can do everything possible (and legitimate). However, Eman, who has experience in this field, says that ‘in freelancing, you can do data entry.
If you think you are good at writing, you can write about someone’s website, blog or fashion.
‘Spreadsheets, MS Word or Office work, basic graphic designing or social media posts are currently undergoing a lot of freelancing.’
According to Ayman, digital marketing is also one of the areas where the demand for freelancing is currently available. ‘It covers social media marketing and affiliate marketing. ‘
She points out that there is a huge demand for software and app-making work around the world, including Pakistan, and young people can learn these skills to meet them so that instead of finding jobs in the future, they will have an income from conversion. ۔
How does freelancer make money?
“With the help of computers, people can learn the skills that they no longer need to work in a company or country,” Amna Kamal, a trainer for DG Skills, told the BBC.
‘Some of these skills include writing graphic design, website creation, SEO (search engine optimization), digital marketing, social media, e-commerce, and writing.’
Freelancer Aman Sarosh explains that learning the basic skills of this kind can make money through the internet because ‘there are some websites for freelancing where you can find work by creating your own account.’
Most freelancers in Pakistan often find work on a number of such websites, including Fiverr and Upwork. Here you have to meet the requirements provided by the people after creating their profile.
When the work is done, these websites receive money from the employer, deduct it, and pay the worker. But some people mutually transact at the level of trust, not involving third parties.
How Much Money you Can make as a Freelancer?
In terms of how much money people can make in freelancing, Eman said that it depends on a person’s ability, skills, nature of work and duration of time.
She explains: ‘When money is paid in dollars for work, its value is quite high.’
Amina Kamal agrees, too. ‘One of the benefits of freelancing is that you make money not in money but in dollars. When people make money from outside, it benefits them individually and nationally. ‘
Amana said the country is facing a shortage of jobs and there is an alternative way for young people to make money through freelancing on the Internet. They also highlighted this aspect. Some people have set up their own companies with the help of freelancing.
According to Eman, ‘rates can go up from a few dollars to thousands of dollars for a single job on different websites.’
But is it as easy as making money on the Internet?
In many countries, including Pakistan, people want to make money on the Internet using their skills. But it is very difficult for a person to succeed in this.
But Amina is hopeful. She explains: ‘Our ability to work is a resource. There are talented people in Pakistan who can earn money from their skills and the work-out world while sitting here. “
According to Amna, Pakistani people are competing against freelancers from all over the world except their country. Therefore, it is important for them to do the standard work on time so that they can build a good profile.
‘As well as having the capabilities within a good freelancer, it is important to present the most unique work and be time-bound. The benefit of this is that their profile on the Internet will be strengthened and various clients will work with them again and again, which will become a permanent way of making money. ‘
On the other hand, according to FreeLancers, there are some problems with the payment of money from overseas in Pakistan as PayPal service has not been introduced in the country yet.
However, freelancers are using alternative ways to make money.
Ayman Sarosh said: ‘The most important issue right now is the payments that are being faced by freelancers in Pakistan. We also have some alternatives to overcome this shortfall, through which you can receive your payments. ‘
Originally published at on January 29, 2020.